Our services
- accounting advice
- tax advice
- Employment advice
- Legal advice
- Administrative management
- insurance
- commercial advice
- Collaboration with consultancies

accounting advice
we lend a accounting and tax advice. Our extensive knowledge of taxes allows us to provide adequate solutions in the area of Accounting Management and tax to our clients.
The strategic and planning pillar of your company are acquired from a secure and reliable accounting that allows realistic and viable projects, obtaining the desired results.
Our objective is that the client only worries about the operation of his activity and our team of advisors, the bureaucratic part.
We guarantee reliable work and a quality level of our services at reasonable prices, which will pay you back from the start. If you are a demanding client, CONFILAB It is the advice that interests you.
Tax advice
Preparation and presentation in the AEAT of all tax settlements derived from your tax obligations, monthly, quarterly and annually. Postponements and/or installment of debts.
We process the registration or cancellation of natural and legal persons.
We offer you the service that your company needs, with the security of making the best decision at all times and with the peace of mind that you are complying with tax obligations in a more favorable way for the interests of your company and not paying more taxes than are applicable. .
Our tax experts will recommend the best tax strategy for your company and the right time to make your investments. The objective is that your tax declarations conform to the maximum according to current legislation without costing you more.
We present documents and attend to the requirements and inspections of the different Administrations, addressed to the Tax Agency, the Generalitat Valenciana and the City Council…
Labor advice
Our experience in the labor area supports us and our experts will provide you with the most appropriate solution for your company, we know that it is the most delicate part of the business, the greatest economic expense, but also the one that can make us grow. For this reason, the recruitment strategy must be studied and take advantage of the aid and/or subsidies that exist at all times.
We perform:
- Comprehensive legal advice (registrations, cancellations and variations in: the General Regime, the self-employed Regime, the Home Regime and the Agrarian Regime of the TGSS, contracts and pre-contracts, work extensions, payroll, settlements, letters of reprimand, dismissal, Temporary Disability and Accident, application and updating of collective agreements, negotiations with the administrations...
- Representation before the SMAC and attention to inspections
- Advice and presentation of aid and subsidies
- Work advice and planning
- Optimization of your human resources
- cost studies
- Presentation of ERES and ERTES
Legal advice
The legal service is sent to our collaborating lawyers.
For each legal area, the best in its field will be recommended (commercial, labor, administrative, criminal law...)
Administrative management
- disabilities
- Paternity and maternity
- Processing and individual management
- Single payment of unemployment benefit
- Obtaining the digital certificate
- Income Statement, we advise and prepare the best solution, individual or joint, to apply all possible tax benefits.
- Others (ask)
We carry out any type of insurance you need, we advise you and give you the best coverage of: civil liability, vehicles, health, home pensions, etc.
commercial advice
Our service contemplates the review or realization of commercial contracts
Constitution of societies
Advice and Registration of Notarial Documents
Collaboration with consultancies
CONFILAB Consultants specialized in accounting, taxation and labor, offers its services to all types of companies and freelancers, for COLLABORATIONS with CONSULTANTS through teleworking and/or face-to-face.
Consult our fees without obligation
Discover how CONFILAB can help you
Our team of experts is ready to provide you with specialized solutions and accompany you in the growth of your business.